Both side of a same single post can be also provided with two arms; thus, the basketball stand is an integral weld structure. 单柱、双臂篮球架即利用同一单桩,在另侧同一高度焊接之一单臂而成,其结构与上述相同;
Welding in centre side memberapply a full weld to the centre side member in area using inert gas. 焊接中央侧梁使用惰性气体在区域中对中央侧梁进行全焊。
The main reasons for the lower tensile strength when welding by one side are that the filler metal can not totally enter the bottom of the weld and there are porosities at the root of weld. 对于单面焊接接头,由于填充材料难以进入焊缝内部及根部存在气孔加剧了拉伸强度较低的程度。
Weld the connection to the side section with a continuous full weld under shielding gas. 用气体保护连续全焊,将连接件焊接到侧面部件。
Carbon arc air gouging is required for the reverse side of butt weld of the wing plate and the web. 翼板(wingplate)、腹板(web)对接焊缝正面焊接后,反面要求碳弧气刨清根;
If the side section and outer hinge pillar is to be completely replaced, a full weld must be applied to area using an inert gas welder during installation. 如果准备彻底更换侧断面和外侧铰链柱,则必须在安装期间使用惰性气体保护焊机对区域进行全焊。
Study on Pattern of Side Bend of Mn Si Multi layer Weld Mn-Si系多层焊焊缝侧弯形貌的研究
Deflection electron beam welding was brought out to improve the heat input of both side dissimilar metals and the appearance of weld surface. Cu was added into the joint to prevent the intermetallic compound Fe-Al from generating. 试验中引入偏束焊技术以解决异种金属连接时两侧母材热输入不均以及焊缝表面成形的问题,并研究了通过在接头处添加Cu以解决焊缝区大量Fe-Al脆性金属间化合物生成的问题。
The pattern of side bend of Mn Si multi layer weld is investigated with side bend test of weld joint, optical microscope and scanning electron microscope analysis. The relationship between weld thermal cycle, heat input and microstructure with pattern of side bend is also discussed. 本文通过焊接接头侧弯试验、光学显微镜和扫描电镜分析,对Mn-Si系多层焊焊缝侧弯形貌进行了研究,探讨了侧弯形貌与焊接热循环、焊接线能量及显微组织之间的关系。
The properties of the joints with one side fillet weld connecting the webs to flanges in H shaped steel members used in light weight steel structures, have not been yet thoroughly researched by tests. 在轻型钢结构建筑中采用的以单面角焊缝连接翼缘和腹板的组合H形截面钢构件,其焊缝接头性能尚未得到充分的试验验证。
Design of Electric Eddy Sensor for Detecting Temperature of Back Side of Weld Pool 检测熔池背面温度的电涡流传感器设计
The position of damage section of fillet weld under torsion closing with the connection side between fillet weld and steel member differs from that obtained by traditional method. 与传统理论所提到的破坏截面(焊喉)位置不同,角焊缝在扭矩作用下破坏截面的位置靠近钢构件连接边。
To increase welding current and side plate ferrite will decrease and the ratio of column crystal in weld will decrease and the ratio of equal axis crystal will increase. 在流动水冷却下,增大焊接电流,侧板条铁素体减少,焊缝的柱状晶比例减小,等轴晶比例增加;
The test of the ultimate strength of the axially compressed H shaped steel stubs with one side fillet weld and the relevant FEM analysis are reported. 通过单面焊接H形截面短柱极限承载力试验和相应的有限元计算与分析,表明在静力荷载条件下,较薄腹板构件的极限承载力对单面角焊缝接头并不敏感;
A closed-loop control system with welding current as control parameter is founded to control the width of isothermal line of back-side welding temperature field in TIG welding of thin plate. The control of penetration and width of back side weld is achieved. 以焊接电流为控制量,研制了薄板钨极氩弧焊(TIG)背面温度场等温线宽度闭环控制系统,实现了对焊缝背面熔宽和熔透的控制。
The sensor can detect true voltage signal about the changing temperature of the back side of weld pool when using the step traveling pulse TIG welding on mild steel. A new studying method for penetration control is proposed in this paper. 采用步进式脉冲TIG焊焊接低碳钢时,该传感器能够准确检测到熔池背面温度变化的电压信号,为焊缝熔透控制提供了一种新的研究方法。
Control of the penetration and width of the back side weld was then achieved by controlling the width of an isothermal line near the melting point. 通过控制接近熔点温度的等温线宽度最终实现了对焊缝背面熔宽和熔透的控制。
Investigation on side weld penetration technique of all position narrow gap and thick walled pipe welding 厚壁管窄间隙全位置焊接侧壁熔透技术研究
Effects of Side Assist Gas on Weld Shaping in Laser Welding Process of Thin Stainless Plate 侧吹气体对不锈钢薄板激光焊接焊缝成形的影响
In ship construction, the one side backing weld using flux-cored wires and ceramic backings has no operational sequences such as, the gouging of the Opposite groove, sanding, segmentation keeling over, etc, which greatly improves shipbuilding efficiency. 在船舶建造中,药芯焊丝陶瓷衬垫单面打底焊可免除反面坡口气刨、打磨和分段翻身等工序,极大地提高了造船效率。
Because the side beam is asymmetric, and the external four longitudinal weld locate four corner of longitudinal neutral axis ( X axis) of the side beam. For the groove weldment, the shrinkage of weld metal is the main factor making residual welding deformation. 由于侧梁非严格对称,且外部4条主焊缝环绕在纵向中性轴(X轴)的四个角点;焊缝金属收缩是形成焊接残余变形的主要因素。